Cryptography Reference
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squaring. For the case of nonrecursive multiplication the functions kmul() and
ksqr() use the auxiliary functions mult() and sqr() , in which multiplication and
squaring are implemented as kernel functions without the support of identical
argument addresses (accumulator mode) or reduction in the case of overflow.
Karatsuba multiplication of two numbers a_l and b_l
with 2 k digits each to base B
void kmul (clint *aptr_l, clint *bptr_l,
int len_a, int len_b, CLINT p_l);
aptr_l ( pointer to the least-significant digit of the factor a_l )
bptr_l (pointer to the least-significant digit of the factor b_l )
len_a (number of digits of a_l )
len_b (number of digits of b_l )
p_l (product)
kmul (clint *aptr_l, clint *bptr_l, int len_a, int len_b, CLINT p_l)
CLINT c01_l, c10_l;
clint c0_l[CLINTMAXSHORT + 2];
clint c1_l[CLINTMAXSHORT + 2];
clint c2_l[CLINTMAXSHORT + 2];
CLINTD tmp_l;
clint *a1ptr_l, *b1ptr_l;
int l2;
if ((len_a == len_b) && (len_a >= MUL_THRESHOLD)
&& (0 == (len_a & 1)) )
If both factors possess the same even number of digits above the value
MUL_THRESHOLD , then recursion is entered with the splitting of the factors into two
halves. The pointers aptr_l , a1ptr_l , bptr_l , b1ptr_l are passed to the corre-
sponding least-significant digits of one of the halves. By not copying the halves,
we save valuable time. The values c 0 and c 1 are calculated by recursively calling
kmul() and then stored in the CLINT variables c0_l and c1_l .
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