Cryptography Reference
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The multiplication algorithm thus consists entirely of an outer loop for
calculating the partial products a i ( b n 1 b n 2 ...b 0 ) B
and an inner loop for
calculating the inner products a i b j , j =0 ,...,n
1 , and the values t and p i + j .
The algorithm then appears as follows.
Algorithm for multiplication
1. Set p i 0 for i =0 ,...,n− 1 .
2. Set i ← 0 .
3. Set j ← 0 and c ← 0 .
4. Set t ← p i + j + a i b j + c , p i + j ← t mod B ,and c ←t/B
5. Set j ← j +1 ;if j ≤ n − 1 , go to step 4.
6. Set p i + n ← c .
7. Set i ← i +1 ;if i ≤ m − 1 , go to step 3.
8. Output p =( p m + n 1 p m + n 2 ...p 0 ) B .
The following implementation of multiplication contains at its core this main
loop. Corresponding to the above estimate, in step 4 the lossless representation
of a value less than B 2 in the variable t is required. Analogously to how we
proceeded in the case of addition, the inner products t are thus represented as
ULONG types. The variable t is nonetheless not used explicitly, and the setting of
the result digits p i + j and the carry c occurs rather within a single expression,
analogous to the process already mentioned in connection with the addition
function (see page 25). For initialization a more efficient procedure will be chosen
than the one shown in step 1 of the algorithm.
int mul_l (CLINT f1_l, CLINT f2_l, CLINT pp_l);
f1_l, f2_l (factors)
pp_l (product)
E_CLINT_OK if all is ok
E_CLINT_OFL if overflow
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