Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
The classes RSAkey and RSApub are extendable in a number of ways. For
example, one could imagine a constructor that accepts a public key as parameter
and generates a suitable modulus and secret key. For a practical implementation
the inclusion of additional hash functions may be necessary. Message blocking
is also required. The list of worthwhile extensions is long, and a full discussion
would break the bounds and the binding of this topic.
An example test application of the classes RSAkey and RSApub is to be found
in the module rsademo.cpp contained in the FLINT/C package. The program is
translated with
gcc -O2 -DFLINT_ASM -o rsademo rsademo.cpp rsakey.cpp
flintpp.cpp randompp.cpp flint.c aes.c ripemd.c sha256.c entropy.c random.c
-lflint -lstdc++
if one implements, for example, the GNU C/C++ compiler gcc under Linux and
uses the assembler functions in libflint.a .
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