Cryptography Reference
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2 r 1 s mod rs ,where r 1 is the
1mod s , by setting x 0 := 1
multiplicative inverse of r modulo s .
3. For our prime number search we use an odd initial value: We generate
a random number z with a number of digits close to but less than
(sometimes denoted by
) the desired length of p , and set x 0
x 0 + z + rs
x 0 + rs .With x 0
in hand we begin our determination of p . We test the values p = x 0 + k · 2 rs ,
k =0 , 1 ,... , until the desired number of digits p for p is reached and p
is prime. If an RSA key is to contain a specified public exponent e , then it
is worthwhile to ensure additionally that gcd( p − 1 ,e )=1 . The above
conditions on p have now been completely fulfilled. For the prime number
tests we use the Miller-Rabin test implemented in the function prime_l() .
( z mod rs ) .If x 0 is even, then we set x 0
Whether or not strong primes are used for keys, in every case it is practical
to have available a function that generates primes of a specified length or
within a specified interval. A procedure for this that additionally ensures that a
prime p thus generated satisfies the further condition gcd( p − 1 ,f )=1 for a
specified number f is given in [IEEE], page 73. Here is the algorithm in a slightly
altered form.
Algorithm to generate a prime p such that p min
p max
1. Generate a random number p , p min
p max .
2. If p is even, set p
p +1 .
3. If p>p max , set p
p min + p mod ( p max +1) and go to step 2.
4. Compute d := gcd( p − 1 ,f ) (cf. Section 10.1). If d =1 , test p for primality
(cf. Section 10.5). If p is prime, then output p and terminate the algorithm.
Otherwise, set p ← p +2 and go to step 3.
A realization of this procedure as a C++ function is contained in the FLINT/C
package (source file flintpp.cpp ).
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