Cryptography Reference
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The two USHORT values *aptr and *bptr are copied via a cast to ULONG representa-
tion and added. To this the carry from the last interation is added. The result is
a ULONG value that contains the carry from the addition step in its higher-valued
word. This value is allocated to the variable carry and there reserved for the next
iteration. The value of the resulting digit is taken from the lower-valued word of the
addition result via a cast to the type USHORT . The carry saved in the higher-valued
word of carry is included in the next iteration by a shift to the right by the number
BITPERDGT of bits used for the representation of USHORT and a cast to USHORT.
In the second loop only the remaining digits of a_l are added to a possible existing
carry and stored in s_l .
while (aptr_l <= msdptra_l)
*sptr_l++ = (USHORT)(carry = (ULONG)*aptr_l++
If after the second loop there is a carry, the result is one digit longer than a_l .If
it is determined that the result exceeds the maximal value N max representable
by the CLINT type, then the result is reduced modulo ( N max +1) (see Chapter 5),
analogously to the treatment of standard unsigned types. In this case the status
announcement of the error code E_CLINT_OFL is returned.
if (carry & BASE)
*sptr_l = 1;
SETDIGITS_L (ss_l, DIGITS_L (ss_l) + 1);
/* overflow? */
ANDMAX_L (ss_l);
/* reduce modulo (Nmax + 1) */
cpy_l (s_l, ss_l);
return OFL;
The run time t of all the procedures given here for addition and subtraction is
t = O ( n ) , and thus proportional to the number of digits of the larger of the two
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