Cryptography Reference
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LINT::panic (E_LINT_EOF, "ifstream operator>>", 0, __LINE__);
for(inti=1;i<=DIGITS_L (ln.n_l); i++)
if (read_ind_ushort (s, &ln.n_l[i]))
LINT::panic (E_LINT_EOF, "ifstream operator>>", 0, __LINE__);
// No paranoia! Check the imported value!
if (vcheck_l (ln.n_l) == 0)
ln.status = E_LINT_OK;
ln.status = E_LINT_INV;
return s;
To open a file from which the LINT object is to be read it is again necessary to
set the ios flag ios::binary :
LINT r, s;
// ...
ifstream fin; ("", ios::in | ios::binary);
// ...
In the importation of LINT objects the insert operator >> checks whether the
values read represent the numerical representation of a valid LINT object. If this
is not the case, the member datum status is set to E_LINT_INV , and the specified
target object is thereby marked as “uninitialized.” On the next operation on this
object the LINT error handler is invoked, which is what we shall study in more
detail in the next chapter.
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