Cryptography Reference
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4. Display of the length of a LINT object
The default is the display of the binary length of a LINT objects. This can be
changed by a call to
LINT::unsetf (LINT::lintshowlength);
LINT::unsetf (ostream, LINT::lintshowlength);
so that the length is not displayed.
5. Restoring the status variable for the numerical representation
The status variable for the formatting of a LINT object can be restored to a
previous value oldflags by a call to the two functions
LINT::unsetf (ostream, LINT::flags(ostream));
LINT::setf (ostream, oldflags);
Calls to these two functions are collected in the overloaded function
restoref() :
LINT::restoref (flag);
LINT::restoref (ostream, flag);
Flags can be combined, as in the call
LINT::setf (LINT::bin | LINT::showbase);
This, however, is permitted only for flags that are not mutually exclusive.
The output function that finally generates the requested representational
format for LINT objects is an extension of the operator ostream& operator
<<(ostream& s, LINT ln) already sketched above, which evaluates the status
variables of the output stream and generates the appropriate output. For this the
operator uses the auxiliary function lint2str() contained in flintpp.cpp ,which
in turn calls the function xclint2str_l() to represent the numerical value of a
LINT object in a character string:
ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const LINT& ln)
USHORT base = 16;
long flags = LINT::flags (s);
char* formatted_lint;
if (ln.status == E_LINT_INV)
LINT::panic (E_LINT_VAL, "ostream operator<<", 0, __LINE__);
if (flags & LINT::linthex)
base = 16;
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