Cryptography Reference
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To ensure that this takes place before a LINT object is output, we define, in the
file flintpp.h , the class LintInit as follows:
class LintInit
LintInit (void);
LintInit::LintInit (void)
// get index to long status variable in class ios
LINT::flagsindex = ios::xalloc();
// set the default status in cout and in cerr
cout.iword (LINT::flagsindex) =
cerr.iword (LINT::flagsindex) =
The class LintInit has as its only element the constructor
LintInit::LintInit() . Furthermore, in the class LINT we define a mem-
ber datum setup of type LintInit , which is initialized via the constructor
LintInit::LintInit() . The call to xalloc() takes place within this initialization,
and the status variable thereby allocated is given the established standard output
format for LINT objects. In the following we shall show a section of the LINT class
declaration, which contains the declaration of LintInit() as a friend of LINT ,the
declaration of the variables flagsindex and setup , and various status values as
enum types:
class LINT
// ...
enum {
lintdec = 0x10,
lintoct = 0x20,
linthex = 0x40,
lintshowbase = 0x80,
lintuppercase = 0x100,
lintbin = 0x200,
lintshowlength = 0x400
// ...
friend LintInit::LintInit (void);
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