Cryptography Reference
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case FLINT_RND64:
rand_l (r_l, MIN (l, (int)CLINTMAXBIT));
error = rand_l (r_l, MIN (l, (int)CLINTMAXBIT));
return E_CLINT_RNG;
if (E_CLINT_OK != error)
return error;
Calculate r_l mod t_l + rmin_l .
mod_l (r_l, t_l, r_l);
add_l (r_l, rmin_l, r_l);
return error;
With the help of the function RandMinMax_l() , we can begin our search for
prime numbers p that lie within the interval [ r min ,r max ] and that satisfy the
additional condition that p − 1 is relatively prime to a specified number f .We
search for these numbers with the following algorithm and associated function
FindPrimeMinMaxGcd_l() :
Algorithm for determining a random prime number p with r min
r max
that satisfies the additional condition gcd( p − 1 ,f )=1 , after [IEEE]
1. Set k min ( r min 1) / 2
and k max ( r max 1) / 2
2. Generate randomly an integer k satisfying k min ≤ k ≤ k max .
3. Set p ← 2 k +1 .
4. Compute d ← gcd( p − 1 ,f ) .
5. If d =1 , test p for primality. If p is prime, set d ← gcd( p − 1 ,f ) . Otherwise,
go to step 2.
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