Cryptography Reference
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Since we have no need of a sign for natural numbers, we now have all
the required elements for the representation of such numbers. We define the
corresponding data type by
typedef unsigned short clint;
typedef clint CLINT[CLINTMAXDIGIT + 1];
In accordance with this, a large number will be declared by
CLINT n_l;
The declaration of function parameters of type CLINT can follow from the
instruction CLINT n_l in the function header. 2 The definition of a pointer myptr_l
to a CLINT object occurs via CLINTPTR myptr_l or clint *myptr_l .
FLINT/C functions can, depending on the setting of the constant
CLINTMAXDIGIT in flint.h , process numbers up to 4096 bits in length, which
corresponds to 1233 decimal digits or 256 digits to the base 2 16 . By changing
CLINTMAXDIGIT the maximal length can be adjusted as required. The definitions of
other constants depend on this parameter; for example, the number of USHORT sin
a CLINT object is specified by
and the maximal number of processable binary digits is defined by
Since the constants CLINTMAXDIGIT and CLINTMAXBIT are used frequently, yet
are rather unwieldy from a typographical point of view, we shall denote these
constants by abbreviations MAX B and MAX 2 (with the exception of program
code, where the constants will appear in their normal form).
With this definition it follows that CLINT objects can assume whole-number
values in the interval 0 ,B MAX B
1 , respectively 0 , 2 MAX 2
1 . We denote
the value B MAX B
1=2 MAX 2
1 , the largest natural number that can be
represented by a CLINT object, by N max .
In this regard compare Chapters 4 and 9 of the extremely readable topic [Lind], where there
is an extensive explanation of when vectors and pointers in C are equivalent, and above all,
when this is not the case and what types of errors can arise from a misunderstanding of these
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