Cryptography Reference
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For a proof and additional details see [Knut], Section
As an example of parameters that fulfill these criteria let us consider the linear
congruence that the ISO-C standard recommends as exemplary for the function
rand() :
X i +1 =( X i · 1103515245 + 12345) mod m,
where m =2 k ,with k determined by 2 k
1 being the largest number
representable by the type unsigned int . The number X i +1 is not returned as the
value of rand() , but rather X i +1 / 2 16 mod (RAND_MAX +1) , so that the function
rand() generates all values between 0 and RAND_MAX . The macro RAND_MAX is
defined in stdio.h and should have a value of at least 32267 (see [Pla1], p. 337).
Here the recommendation of Knuth to do without the least-significant binary
digits in the case of power-of-two moduli has apparently been taken into account.
We easily determine that the above requirements (i)-(iii) are satisfied and that
therefore a sequence produced by this generator possesses the maximum period
length 2 k .
Whether this happens to be the case for a particular implementation of the C
library, whose source code is usually unavailable, 1 can be tested under favorable
circumstances with the aid of the following algorithm by R. P. Brent. The Brent
algorithm determines the period length λ of a sequence that is computed by the
recursion X i +1 = F ( X i ) on a set of values D using the generating function
F : D → D and an initial value X 0 ∈ D . One needs at most 2 · max { µ, λ }
calculations of the function F (cf.[HKW], 4.2).
Algorithm of Brent for determining the period length λ of a sequence generated
by X 0 , X i +1 = F ( X i )
1. Set y ← X 0 , r ← 1 ,and k ← 0 .
2. Set x ← y , j ← k ,and r ← r + r .
3. Set k
k +1 and y
F ( y ) ; repeat this step until x = y or k
r .
4. If x = y , go to step 2. Otherwise, output λ = k − j .
This process is successful only if in step 3 one actually sees the actual
sequence values F ( y ) and not, as in the above ISO recommendation, only their
most-significant parts.
We turn first to the actual subject of this chapter and supply ourselves with
functions for generating random numbers in CLINT integer format. As our starting
The GNU-C library, of the Free Software Foundation, and the EMX-C library, by Eberhard
Mattes, are excellent exceptions. The rand() function of the EMX library uses the parameters
a = 69069 , b =5 , and m =2 32 . The multiplier a = 69069 suggested by G. Marsaglia
produces, together with the modulus m =2 32 , good statistical results and a maximal period
length (see [Knut], pp. 102-104).
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