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by x (corresponding to a multiplication
' 02 ') is particularly simple:
x = a 7 x 8 + a 6 x 7 + a 5 x 6 + a 4 x 5 + a 3 x 4 + a 2 x 3 + a 1 x 2 + a 0 x mod m ( x ) ,
f ( x )
where the reduction modulo m ( x ) is required only in the case a 7
=0 ,and
then it can be carried out by subtracting m ( x ) , that is, by a simple XOR of the
For programming one therefore regards the coefficients of a polynomial
as binary digits of integers and executes a multiplication by x byaleftshift
of one bit, followed by, if a 7 =1 , a reduction by an XOR operation with the
eight least-significant digits '1B' of the number '011B' corresponding to m ( x )
(whereby a 7 is simply “forgotten”). The operation a
' 02 ' for a polynomial f ,
or its numerical value a , is denoted by Daemen and Rijmen by b = xtime( a ) .
Multiplication by powers of x can be executed by successive applications of
xtime() .
For example, multiplication of f ( x ) by x +1 (or '03') is carried out by shifting
the binary digits of the numerical value a of f one place to the left and XOR-ing
the result with a . Reduction modulo m ( x ) proceeds exactly as with xtime .Two
lines of C code demonstrate the procedure:
f ˆ = f << 1; /* multiplication of f by (x + 1) */
if (f & 0x100) f ˆ = 0x11B;
/* reduction modulo m(x) */
Multiplication of two polynomials f and h in
F 2 8
\{ 0 }
can be speeded up by
using logarithms: Let g ( x ) be a generating polynomial 4
F 2 8
exist m and n such that f ≡ g m and h ≡ g n . Thus f · h ≡ g m + n mod m ( x ) .
From a programming point of view this can be transposed with the help of
two tables, into one of which we place the 255 powers of the generator polynomial
g ( x ):= x +1 and into the other the logarithms to the base g ( x ) (see Tables
11-2 and 11-3). The product f · h is now determined by three accesses to these
tables: From the logarithm table are taken values m and n for which g m = f and
g n = h . From the table of powers the value g (( n + m )mod255) is taken (note that
g ord( g ) =1 ). Table 11-2 contains the powers of g twice in succession, and so one
can avoid having to reduce the exponent of g in f
h = g n + m .
With the help of this mechanism we can also carry out polynomial division in
F 2 8 . Thus for f, g
F 2 8
h = fh 1 = g m ( g n ) 1 = g m n = g ( m n )mod255 .
This procedure for polynomial multiplication in
F 2 8 is illustrated in the
function polymul() :
g generates
F 2 8
if g has order 255. That is, the powers of g run through all the elements
F 2 8
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