Cryptography Reference
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The prime numbers are computed by successive addition of the numbers stored
in smallprimes[] and stored in bv . The first prime that serves as a divisor is 3 . We
use the code of the fast routine for division by a USHORT (see Section 4.3).
rv = 0;
bv += smallprimes[i];
for (aptr_l = MSDPTR_L (a_l); aptr_l >= LSDPTR_L (a_l); aptr_l--)
qv = (USHORT)((rhat = ((((ULONG)rv) << BITPERDGT) + (ULONG)*aptr_l)) / bv);
rv = (USHORT)(rhat - (ULONG)bv * (ULONG)qv);
while (rv != 0 && ++i <= no_of_smallprimes);
If an actual divisor was found ( rv == 0 and bv
= a_l ; otherwise, a_l itself is
prime!), this is returned. If a_l is itself a small prime, then 1 is returned. Otherwise,
0 is returned.
if (0 == rv)
if (DIGITS_L (a_l) == 1 && *LSDPTR_L (a_l) == bv)
bv = 1;
/* else: result in bv is a prime factor of a_l */
else /* no factor of a_l was found */
bv = 0;
return bv;
The function sieve_l() can be used for splitting off prime factors under
65536 from CLINT objects. To enable this, the macro SFACTOR_L(n_l) is defined
in flint.h , which uses the call sieve_l(n_l, NOOFSMALLPRIMES) to test divide
n_l by the primes stored in smallprimes[] ; SFACTOR_L() returns the same value
as sieve_l() . By repeated calls to SFACTOR_L() with subsequent division by the
factors found, integers below 2 32 , that is, integers that can be represented by the
standard integer types, can be completely factored. If no factor is found, then we
are dealing with a prime number.
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