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would like to introduce a few considerations that will improve our understanding
of the most widely used probabilistic primality tests
Let us make the hypothesis that n is prime. Then by Fermat's little theorem
we have a n 1
1mod n for integers a that are not multiples of n . The square
root of a n 1 mod n can assume only the value 1 or
1 , since these are the
only solutions of the congruence x 2
1mod n (see Section 10.4.1). If we also
compute from a n 1 mod n the successive square roots
a ( n 1) / 2 mod n,
a ( n 1) / 2 t
a ( n 1) / 4 mod n,
mod n,
one after another until ( n − 1) / 2 t is odd, and if in the process we arrive at a
residue not equal to 1, then this residue must have the value
1 , for otherwise, n
cannot be prime, which we have hypothesized. For the case that the first square
root different from 1 has the value
1 , we stick by our hypothesis that n is prime.
If n is nevertheless composite, then we shall call n on the basis of this special
property a strong pseudoprime to the base a . Strong pseudoprimes to a base a are
always Euler pseudoprimes to the base a (see [Kobl], Chapter 5).
We assemble all of this into the following probabilistic primality test, though
for the sake of efficiency we shall first compute the power b = a ( n 1) / 2 t mod n
with odd ( n − 1) / 2 t , and if this is not equal to 1 , we continue to square b until we
obtain a value of
1 or have reached a ( n 1) / 2 mod n . In the last case we must
have either b = 1 or that n is composite. The idea of shortening the algorithm
so that the last square does not have to be calculated has been taken from [Cohe],
Section 8.2.
Probabilistic primality test à la Miller-Rabin for odd integers n> 1
1. Determine q and t with n − 1=2 t q ,with q odd.
a q mod n .If b =1 ,
output “ n is probably prime” and terminate the algorithm.
2. Choose a random integer a , 1 <a<n .Set e
0 , b
b 2 mod n and
e ← e +1 .Ifnow b = n − 1 , then output “ n is composite.” Otherwise,
output “ n is probably prime.”
3. As long as we have b
1mod n and e<t
1 , set b
With a running time of O log 3 n for the exponentiations, the Miller-Rabin
test (MR test for short) has complexity the same order of magnitude as the
Solovay-Strassen test.
The existence of strong pseudoprimes means that the Miller-Rabin primality
test offers us certainty only about the compositeness of numbers. The number
91 , which we trotted out above as an example of an Euler pseudoprime (to base
9) is also—again to base 9—a strong pseudoprime. Further examples of strong
pseudoprimes are
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