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and since m j u j
0mod m i for i
= j , we obtain
m j u j a j ≡ m i u i a i ≡ a i mod m i ,
x 0
j =1
and in this way have constructed a solution to the problem. For two solutions
x 0
x 1 mod m i .Thisis
equivalent to the difference x 0 − x 1 being simultaneously divisible by all m i ,that
is, by the least common multiple of the m i . Due to the pairwise relative primality
of the m i we have that the least common multiple is, in fact, the product of the
m i ,sothatfinally,wehavethat x 0
a i mod m i and x 1
a i mod m i we have x 0
x 1 mod m holds.
We now apply the Chinese remainder theorem to obtain a solution of
x 2
≡ a mod rs with gcd( r, s )=1 ,where r and s are distinct odd primes and
neither r nor s is a divisor of a , on the assumption that we have already obtained
roots of y 2
≡ a mod r and z 2
≡ a mod s . We now construct as above a common
solution to the congruences
x ≡ y mod r,
x ≡ z mod s,
x 0 := ( zur + yvs )mod rs,
where 1= ur + vs is the representation of the greatest common divisor of r and
s . We thus have x 0 ≡ a mod r and x 0 ≡ a mod s , and since gcd( r, s )=1 ,we
also have x 0
a mod rs , and so we have found a solution of the above quadratic
congruence. Since as shown above every quadratic congruence modulo r and
modulo s possesses two solutions, namely
y and
z , the congruence modulo
rs has four solutions, obtained by substituting in
±y and
±z above:
x 0 := zur + yvs mod rs,
x 1 :=
yvs mod rs =
x 0 mod rs,
x 2 := −zur + yvs mod rs,
x 3 := zur − yvs mod rs = −x 2 mod rs.
We have thus found in principle a way to reduce the solution of quadratic
congruences x 2
a mod n with n odd to the case x 2
a mod p for primes p .
For this we determine the prime factorization n = p k 1
···p k t and then calculate
the roots modulo the p i , which by the recursion in Section 10.4.2 can be used to
obtain solutions of the congruences x 2 ≡ a mod p k i . As the crowning glory of
all this we then assemble these solutions with the help of the Chinese remainder
theorem into a solution of x 2
≡ a mod n . The function that we give takes this
path to solving a congruence x 2
≡ a mod n . However, it assumes the restricted
hypothesis that n = p · q is the product of two odd primes p and q , and first
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