Cryptography Reference
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cpy_l (tmp_l, a_l);
mod_l (b_l, tmp_l, a_l);
cpy_l (b_l, tmp_l);
if (GT_L (b_l, one_l))
return (int) k;
10.4.2 Square Roots Modulo p k
We now have an idea of the property possessed by an integer of being or not being
a quadratic residue modulo another integer, and we also have at our disposal an
efficient program to determine which case holds. But even if we know whether an
integer a is a quadratic residue modulo an integer n , we still cannot compute the
square root of a , especially not in the case where n is large. Since we are modest,
we will first attempt this feat for those n that are prime. Our task, then, is to solve
the quadratic congruence
x 2
≡ a mod p,
where we assume that p is an odd prime and a is a quadratic residue modulo
p , which guarantees that the congruence has a solution. We shall distinguish
the two cases p ≡ 3mod4 and p ≡ 1mod4 . In the former, simpler, case,
x := a ( p +1) / 4 mod p solves the congruence, since
x 2
≡ a ( p +1) / 2
≡ a · a ( p 1) / 2
≡ a mod p,
where for a ( p 1) / 2
1mod p we have used property (vi) of the Legendre
symbol, the Euler criterion, cited above.
The following considerations, taken from [Heid], lead to a general procedure
for solving quadratic congruences, and in particular for solving congruences of
the second case, p ≡ 1mod4 :Wewrite p − 1=2 k q , with k ≥ 1 and q odd, and
we look for an arbitrary quadratic nonresidue n mod p by choosing a random
number n with 1 ≤ n<p and calculating the Legendre symbol p . This has
1 with probability 2 , so that we should find such an n relatively quickly.
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