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case a quadratic nonresidue modulo b . The relation b =0 is equivalent to
gcd( a, b ) =1 .
From the properties of the Legendre symbol we can conclude the following
about the Jacobi symbol:
(i) a c = c c , and if b · c =0 ,then bc = b c .
(ii) a ≡ c mod b ⇒ b = b .
(iii) For odd b> 0 we have b =(
1) ( b 1) / 2 , b =(
1) ( b 2
1 ) / 8 ,and
b =1 (see (viii) above).
(iv) For odd a and b with b> 0 we have the reciprocity law (see (viii) above)
b =( 1) ( a 1)( b 1) / 4
From these properties (see the above references for the proofs) of the Jacobi
symbol we have the following algorithm of Kronecker, taken from [Cohe], Section
1.4, that calculates the Jacobi symbol (or, depending on the conditions, the
Legendre symbol) of two integers in a nonrecursive way. The algorithm deals with
apossiblesignof b , and for this we set a
1 := 1 for a ≥ 0 and
1 := 1 for
a< 0 .
Algorithm for calculating the Jacobi symbol b of integers a and b
1. If b =0 , output 1 if the absolute value
of a is equal to 1; otherwise, output
0 and terminate the algorithm.
2. If a and b are both even, output 0 and terminate the algorithm. Otherwise,
set v ← 0 , and as long as b is even, set v ← v +1 and b ← b/ 2 .Ifnow v
is even, set k ← 1 ; otherwise, set k ← ( 1) ( a 2
1 ) / 8 .If b< 0 , then set
b .If a< 0 , set k
k (cf. (iii)).
3. If a =0 , output 0 if b> 1 , otherwise k , and terminate the algorithm.
Otherwise, set v ← 0 , and as long as a is even, set v ← v +1 and a ← a/ 2 .
If now v is odd, set k ← ( 1) ( b 2
1 ) / 8
· k (cf. (iii)).
4. Set k ← ( 1) ( a 1)( b 1) / 4
· k , r ←|a|
, a ← b mod r , b ← r , and go to step
3 (cf. (ii) and (iv)).
The run time of this procedure is O log 2 N , where N ≥ a, b represents
an upper bound for a and b . This is a significant improvement over what we
achieved with the Euler criterion. The following tips for the implementation of
the algorithm are given in Section 1.4 of [Cohe].
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