Cryptography Reference
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Among the most important founders of modern number theory are to be
counted Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665), Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), Adrien
Marie Legendre (1752-1833), Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), and Ernst Eduard
Kummer (1810-1893). Their work forms the basis for the modern development of
this area of mathematics and in particular the interesting application areas such as
cryptography, with its asymmetric procedures for encryption and the generation
of digital signatures (cf. Chapter 17). We could mention many more names of
important contributors to this field, who continue to this day to be involved in
often dramatic developments in number theory, and to those interested in a
thrilling account of the history of number theory and its protagonists, I heartily
recommend the topic Fermat's Last Theorem , by Simon Singh.
Considering that already as children we learned counting as something to be
taken for granted and that we were readily convinced of such facts as that two
plus two equals four, we must turn to surprisingly abstract thought constructs
to derive the theoretical justification for such assertions. For example, set theory
allows us to derive the existence and arithmetic of the natural numbers from
(almost) nothing. This “almost nothing” is the empty (or null) set
:= {}
that is, the set that has no elements. If we consider the empty set to correspond
to the number 0 , then we are able to construct additional sets as follows. The
successor 0 + of 0 is associated with the set 0 + := { 0 } = { }
, which contains
a single element, namely the null set. We give the successor of 0 the name 1 ,and
for this set as well we can determine a successor, namely 1 +
:= { , { }}
The successor of 1 , which contains 0 and 1 as its elements, is given the name 2 .
The sets thus constructed, which we have rashly given the names 0 , 1 , and 2 ,we
identify—not surprisingly—with the well-known natural numbers 0 , 1 ,and 2 .
This principle of construction, which to every number x associates a
successor x + := x ∪{x }
by adjoining x to the previous set, can be continued to
produce additional numbers. Each number thus constructed, with the exception
of 0 , is itself a set whose elements constitute its predecessors . Only 0 has no
predecessor. To ensure that this process continues ad infinitum, set theory
formulates a special rule, called the axiom of infinity: There exists a set that
contains 0 as well as the successor of every element that it contains.
From this postulated existence of (at least) one so-called successor set , which,
beginning with 0 , contains all successors, set theory derives the existence of a
minimal successor set
, which is itself a subset of every successor set. This
minimal and thus uniquely determined successor set
is called the set of natural
numbers , in which we expressly include zero as an element. 1
It was not decisive for this choice that according to standard DIN 5473 zero belongs to the
natural numbers. From the point of view of computer science, however, it is practical to begin
counting at zero instead of 1, which is indicative of the important role played by zero as the
neutral element for addition (additive identity).
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