Cryptography Reference
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The advantage of the following algorithm based on these properties is
that it uses only size comparisons, subtractions, and shifts of CLINT objects,
operations that do not require a great deal of computational time and for which
we use efficient functions; above all, we need no divisions. The binary Euclidean
algorithm for calculating the greatest common divisor can be found in almost the
identical form in [Knut], Section 4.5.2, Algorithm B, and in [Cohe], Section 1.3,
Algorithm 1.3.5.
Binary Euclidean algorithm for calculating gcd( a, b ) for a, b ≥ 0
1. If a<b , exchange the values of a and b .If b =0 , output a and terminate
the algorithm. Otherwise, set k ← 0 , and as long as a and b are both even,
set k
k +1 , a
a/ 2 , b
b/ 2 . (We have exhausted property (i); a and b
are now no longer both even.)
2. As long as a is even, set repeatedly a ← a/ 2 until a is odd. Or else, if b is
even, set repeatedly b
b/ 2 until b is odd. (We have exhausted property
(ii); a and b are now both odd.)
3. Set t ← ( a − b ) / 2 .If t =0 , output 2 k a and terminate the algorithm. (We
have used up properties (ii), (iii), and (iv).)
4. As long as t is even, set repeatedly t ← t/ 2 , until t is odd. If t> 0 , set a ← t ;
otherwise, set b
t ; and go to step 3.
This algorithm can be translated step for step into a programmed function,
where we take the suggestion from [Cohe] to execute in step 1 an additional
division with remainder and set r
r . We thereby
equalize any size differences between the operands a and b that could have an
adverse effect on the running time.
a mod b , a
b ,and b
greatest common divisor
void gcd_l (CLINT aa_l, CLINT bb_l, CLINT cc_l);
aa_l, bb_l (operands)
cc_l (greatest common divisor)
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