Cryptography Reference
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clearbit_l (CLINT a_l, unsigned int pos)
int res = 0;
USHORT bitpos = (USHORT)(pos & (BITPERDGT - 1));
if (shorts < DIGITS_L (a_l))
If a_l has enough digits, then the digit of a_l that contains the specified bit posi-
tion is tested by means of the mask prepared in m, and then the bit position is set
to 0 by an AND of the corresponding digit with the complement of m . The previous
status of the bit position is returned at the termination of the function.
if (a_l[shorts + 1] & m)
a_l[shorts + 1] &= (USHORT)(˜m);
RMLDZRS_L (a_l);
return res;
7.4 Comparison Operators
Every program requires the ability to make assertions about the equality or
inequality or the size relationship of arithmetic variables, and this holds as well
for our dealings with CLINT objects. Here, too, the principle is obeyed that the
programmer does not need knowledge of the internal structure of the CLINT type,
and the determination of how two CLINT objects are related to each other is left to
functions designed for such purposes.
The primary function that accomplishes these tasks is the function cmp_l() .
It determines which of the relations a_l < b_l , a_l == b_l ,or a_l > b_l holds
for two CLINT values a_l and b_l .Tothisend,firstthenumbersofdigitsofthe
CLINT objects, which have been liberated from any leading zeros, are compared. If
the number of digits of the operands is the same, then the process begins with a
comparison of the most-significant digits; as soon as a difference is detected, the
comparison is terminated.
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