Cryptography Reference
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while ((i <= noofprimes) && !EQONE_L (t_l));
while (EQONE_L (t_l));
return E_CLINT_OK;
As a second example for the application of exponentiation we consider the
encryption procedure of ElGamal, which as an extension of the Diffie-Hellman
procedure also provides security in the matter of the difficulty of computing
discrete logarithms, since breaking the procedure is equivalent to solving the
Diffie-Hellman problem (cf. page 119). Pretty good privacy (PGP), the workhorse
known throughout the world for encrypting and signing e-mail and documents
whose development goes back essentially to the work of Phil Zimmermann, uses
the ElGamal procedure for key management (see [Stal], Section 12.1).
A participant A selects a public and associated private key as follows.
ElGamal key generation
1. A chooses a large prime number p such that p − 1 has a large prime divisor
close to ( p − 1) / 2 (cf. page 388) and a primitive root a of the multiplicative
Z p as above (cf. page 120).
2. A chooses a random number x with 1 ≤ x<p− 1 and computes
b := a x mod p with the aid of Montgomery exponentiation.
3. As public key A uses the triple
p, a, b A , and the associated secret key is
p, a, x A .
p, a, b
A a participant B can now encrypt a
Using the public key triple
message M ∈{ 1 ,...,p− 1 }
and send it to A . The procedure is as follows.
Protocol for encryption à la ElGamal
1. B chooses a random number y with 1
1 .
2. B calculates α := a y mod p and β := Mb y mod p = M ( a x ) y mod p .
3. B sends the cryptogram C := ( α, β ) to A .
4. A computes from C the plain text using M = β/α x modulo p .
M ( a x ) y
α x
( a x ) y
( a x ) y
M mod p,
the procedure works. The calculation of β/α x
is carried out by means of a
multiplication βα p 1 x modulo p .
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