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Now follows division by B l , and we shift t_l by logB_r digits to the right, or ig-
nore the logB_r least-significant digits of t_l . Then if applicable the modulus n_l
is subtracted from t_l before t_l is returned as result into p_l .
tptr_l = t_l + (logB_r);
SETDIGIT_L (tptr_l, DIGITS_L (t_l) - (logB_r));
if (GE_L (tptr_l, n_l))
sub_l (tptr_l, n_l, p_l);
cpy_l (p_l, tptr_l);
The Montgomery squaring sqrmon_l() differs from this function only
marginally: There is no parameter b_l in the function call, and instead of
multiplication with mult(a_l, b_l, t_l) we employ the squaring function
sqr(a_l, t_l) , which likewise ignores a possible overflow. However, in modular
squaring in the Montgomery method one must note that after the calculation of
p ← a × a the reverse transformation p ← p × 1= p r 1 = a 2 mod n must
be calculated explicitly (cf. page 108).
Montgomery square
void sqrmon_l (CLINT a_l, CLINT n_l, USHORT nprime,
USHORT logB_r, CLINT p_l);
a_l (factor a ), n_l (modulus n > a )
nprime ( n mod B )
logB_r (logarithm of r to base B =2 16 );
it must hold that B logB_r 1
≤ n < B logB_r
p_l (Montgomery square a 2 r 1 mod n )
In their article Dussé and Kaliski also present the following variant of the
extended Euclidean algorithm, to be dealt with in detail in Section 10.2, for
calculating n 0 = n mod B , with which the expenditure for the precalculations
can be reduced. The algorithm calculates
−n 1 mod 2 s for an s > 0 and for this
requires long-number arithmetic.
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