Cryptography Reference
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t ( l )
ab mod n follows (6.20), and lastly we have (6.21) on account of
t ( l ) = t (0) + n
m i B i < 2 nB l
i =0
(note here that t (0) = ab<n 2 <nB l ).
The expenditure for the reduction is now determined essentially by
multiplication of numbers of order of magnitude the size of the modulus. This
variant of Montgomery multiplication can be elegantly implemented in code that
forms the core of the multiplication routine mul_l() (cf. page 36).
Montgomery product
void mulmon_l (CLINT a_l, CLINT b_l, CLINT n_l,
USHORT nprime, USHORT logB_r,
CLINT p_l);
a_l, b_l (factors a and b )
n_l (modulus n>a,b )
nprime ( n mod B )
logB_r (logarithm of r to base B =2 16 ;
it must hold that B logB_r 1
n<B logB_r )
p_l (Montgomery product a × b = a · b · r 1 mod n )
mulmon_l (CLINT a_l, CLINT b_l, CLINT n_l, USHORT nprime,
USHORT logB_r, CLINT p_l)
clint *tptr_l, *nptr_l, *tiptr_l, *lasttnptr, *lastnptr;
ULONG carry;
int i;
mult (a_l, b_l, t_l);
lasttnptr = t_l + DIGITS_L (n_l);
lastnptr = MSDPTR_L (n_l);
The earlier use of mult() makes possible the multiplication of a_l and b_l without
the possibility of overflow (see page 72); for the Montgomery squaring we simply
insert sqr() . The result has sufficient space in t_l .Then t_l is given leading zeros
to bring it to double the number of digits of n_l if t_l is smaller than this.
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