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which we calculate in anticipation of Section 10.2 with the help of the extended
Euclidean algorithm. From this representation of 1 we immediately obtain
1 ≡ r r mod n
1 ≡−n n mod r,
so that r = r 1 mod n is the multiplicative inverse of r modulo n ,and
n = −n 1 mod r the negative of the inverse of n modulo r (we are anticipating
somewhat; cf. Section 10.2). The calculation of the Montgomery product now
takes place according to the following algorithm.
Calculation of the Montgomery product a
b in R ( r, n )
1. Set t
ab .
tn mod r .
2. Set m
3. Set u ← ( t + mn ) /r (the quotient is an integer; see above).
4. If u ≥ n , output u − n , and otherwise u . Based on the above selection of
the parameter we have a, b < n as well as m, n < r and finally u< 2 n ;cf.
The Montgomery product requires three long-integer multiplications, one in
step 1 and two for the reduction in steps 2 and 3. An example with small numbers
will clarify the situation: Let a = 386 , b = 257 ,and n = 533 . Further, let r =2 10 .
Then n =
n 1 mod r = 707 , m =6 , t + mn = 102400 ,and u = 100 .
A modular multiplication ab mod n with odd n can now be carried out by
first transforming a ← ar mod n and b ← br mod n to R , there forming
the Montgomery product p ← a × b = a b r 1 mod n and then with
p ← p × 1= p r 1 = ab mod n obtaining the desired result. However, we
can spare ourselves the reverse transformation effected in the last step by setting
p ← a × b at once and thus avoid the transformation of b , so that in the end we
have the following algorithm.
Calculation of p = ab mod n ( n odd) with the Montgomery product
1. Determine r := 2 s with 2 s 1
≤ n< 2 s . Calculate 1= r r − n n by means
of the extended Euclidean algorithm.
2. Set a ← ar mod n .
3. Set p ← a × b and output p .
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