Cryptography Reference
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Let e = 1896837 = (111001111000110000101) 2 , and let l =3 . Beginning
with the least-significant binary digit, e is decomposed as follows:
e = 111 001 111 00 011 0000 101 .
The choice l =4 leads to the following decomposition of e :
e = 111 00 1111 0 0011 000 0101 .
The 2 k -ary exponentiation considered above yields, for example for k =2 ,
the following decomposition:
e = 0111 00 11 11 00 01 10 00 01 01 .
The window decomposition of e for l =3 contains five 1 -windows, while
that for l =4 has only four, and for each the same number of additional
multiplications is required. On the other hand, the 2 2 -ary decomposition
of e contains eight 1 -windows, requires double the number of additional
multiplications compared to the case l =4 , and is thus significantly less
The same procedure, but beginning with the most-significant binary digit,
yields for l =4 and e = 123 the decomposition
e = 1110 0 1111 000 1100 00 101 ,
likewise with four 1 -windows, which, as already established above, are not
all odd.
Finally, then, exponentiation with a window decomposition of the exponent
can be formalized by the following algorithm. Both directions of window
decomposition are taken into account.
Algorithm for exponentiation a e mod m with the representation of e in
windows of (maximal) length l for odd 1-windows
1. Decompose the exponent e into 0 -and 1 -windows ( ω k 1 ...ω 0 ) of
respective lengths l k 1 ,...,l 0 .
2. Calculate and store a 3 mod m , a 5 mod m , a 7 mod m , ... , a 2 l
1 mod m .
3. Set p ← a ω k 1 mod m and i ← k − 2 .
4. Set p ← p l i mod m .
=0 , set p ← pa ω i mod m .
5. If ω i
6. Set i ← i − 1 ;if i ≥ 0 , go to step 4.
7. Output p .
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