Cryptography Reference
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modular exponentiation
int mexpk_l (CLINT bas_l, CLINT exp_l,
CLINT p_l, CLINT m_l);
bas_l (base)
exp_l (exponent)
m_l (modulus)
p_l (power residue)
E_CLINT_OK if all is ok
E_CLINT_DBZ if division by 0
E_CLINT_MAL if malloc() error
We begin with a segment of the table for representing e i =2 t u , u odd, 0
e i <
2 8 . The table is represented in the form of two vectors. The first, twotab[] , contains
the exponents t of the two-factor 2 t , while the second, oddtab[] , holds the odd
part u of a digit 0 ≤ e i < 2 5 . The complete table is contained, of course, in the
FLINT/C source code.
static int twotab[] =
{0,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,5, ...};
static USHORT oddtab[]=
{0,1,1,3,1,5,3,7,1,9,5,11,3,13,7,15,1,17,9,19,5,21,11,23,3,25,13, ...};
mexpk_l (CLINT bas_l, CLINT exp_l, CLINT p_l, CLINT m_l)
The definitions reserve memory for the exponents plus the leading zero, as well as
a pointer clint **aptr_l to the memory still to be allocated, which will take point-
ers to the powers of bas_l to be precomputed. In acc_l the intermediate results of
the exponentiation will be stored.
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