Biomedical Engineering Reference
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from which the conductance per unit distance can be extracted:
ω 2 πR 3 ( 1
ν P ) 2
g x =
sin ϕ E
and the capacitance per unit distance is given by
2 πR 3 ( 1
ν P ) 2
c x =
cos ϕ E
Thus, from the geometrical (R, h) and mechanical (E P ) characteristics of the
airway tube, and from the air properties (μ, ρ) one can express the r x , l x , g x and
c x parameters. In this way, the dynamic model can be expressed in an equivalent
transmission line defined by Eqs. ( 4.57 ), ( 4.58 ), ( 4.69 ), ( 4.70 ). Similar to the elastic
wall case, we can estimate that, over the length of an airway tube, we have the
corresponding properties:
μδ 2
πR 4 M 1
R e =
r x
sin 1 )
πR 2
cos 1 )
M 1
L e =
l x
G e = g x = ω 2 πR 3 ( 1
ν P ) 2
sin ϕ E
| E | h
ν P ) 2
C e = c x = 2 πR 3 ( 1
cos ϕ E
| E | h
4.2.3 Generic Recurrence in the Airways
Variations of the ratios of the mechanical parameters within consecutive airway lev-
els in a branch are given in Fig. 4.2 -left. The ratio for the resistance is supra-unitary,
hence the resistance increases with the branch. Similarly, a sub-unitary ratio for
compliance denotes a decreases in elasticity with each level. Both effects are due to
a decrease in the airway cross-section. Figure 4.2 -right depicts the same variation,
but with the airway level. Due to an increase in the total cross-sectional area from
one level to another, the total resistance decreases (sub-unitary ratio), whereas the
total compliance increases (supra-unitary ratio). Exponential changes for resistance,
inertance and elastance from level 10 onwards show that mechanical properties be-
come important towards the lower ducts (gas exchange).
Notice from Fig. 4.2 that from level 11 onwards, the variations of the ratios are
smaller (except the last two bifurcations: 22 and 23). Physiologically, level 11 cor-
responds to the bronchiole [ 59 , 114 ]. We can correlate these effects to the variations
in the airway radius and in the airway cross-sectional area, respectively. The ra-
dius changes from 8 mm to 1.75 mm, whereas the area varies from 254.5 mm 2
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