Biomedical Engineering Reference
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only harmonics which are not overlapping with the first five breathing harmonics
are used
equal amplitude A k for all excited harmonics
the phase φ k uniformly distributed between
0 , 2 π
one so-called detection line for each group of four excited odd harmonics is not
excited in order to check for odd non-linear distortion.
This algorithm has been broadly detailed elsewhere [ 77 , 136 ]. The flowchart for the
measurement procedure can be summarized as follows:
estimate the fundamental breathing frequency,
make the excitation signal taking into account the information from the previous
step and
filter the measured data and perform further signal processing (i.e. non-linear
distortions detection algorithm).
9.1.2 Non-linear Distortions
The standard procedure to obtain the impulse response g(t) of a linear system is
based on the correlation analysis:
R yu (t)
R uu (t)
with u(t) the input signal, y(t) the output signal and
denoting the convolution
product. R yu (t) and R uu (t) are the cross- and auto-correlations, respectively:
R yu (τ ) = E y(t)u(t τ)
R uu (τ ) = E u(t)u(t τ)
with τ the shift interval. Applying Fourier transform to ( 9.13 ) results in
S YU (jω)
S UU (jω)
where the cross-spectrum S YU (j ω) , the auto-spectrum S UU (j ω) , and the frequency
response function (FRF) G(jω) are the Fourier transforms of R YU (t) , R UU (t) and
g(t) , respectively.
The Best Linear Approximation (BLA) [ 136 , 137 ] of a non-linear system
g BLA (t) minimizes the mean squared error (MSE) between the real output of a
non-linear system y(t)
and the output of a linear model approximation
g BLA (t)
) :
E y(t)
E u(t)
E y(t)
g BLA (t)
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