Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 7.40 Identified Z REC
impedance ( circles ) fitted to
the test-case impedance data
( stars )
7.4.3 Relation to Physiology and Pathology
The measured impedance values in healthy subjects and the corresponding reso-
nance/anti-resonance peak values are qualitatively and quantitatively comparable to
those reported in [ 39 , 78 , 79 ]. Both impedance models evaluated here were able to
capture the frequency-dependence of the respiratory mechanics at high frequencies.
The idea of multiple parallel tubes to model the respiratory tree at high frequen-
cies from [ 39 ] is here re-visited by means of a recurrent ladder network Z REC .
The ladder network model Z REC captures well the variations with frequency in the
impedance in all investigated patients and the identified model parameter values are
within reasonable values from clinical insight [ 112 ]. One should keep in mind that
the estimated ladder network coefficients are based on recurrent relations and the
fact that this recurrence leads to the constant-phase behavior in the impedance data
is an intrinsic property of such models [ 31 , 56 - 58 ]. Even if these ladder network
elements are then replaced by fractional-order elements, the convergence remains
valid [ 118 ]. These findings support the theoretical insights on prior ladder network
developments and are in line with morphometry of the respiratory system [ 31 , 39 ].
The upper airway resistance values R ua are similar to those identified in [ 79 ]. The
identified upper airway compliance C ua values are slightly lower for the Z REC than
the values reported in [ 79 ].
The identified model parameters of Z PA R are close to those reported in [ 39 ]for
the model with bronchial elasticity and similar to those reported in [ 79 ].
The values for the fractional order calculated from the identified recurrent ratios
( n =
0 . 78) are very close to previously reported values in [ 71 ] for healthy sub-
jects by means of a lumped FO parameter model (average value n =
0 . 79). It is
remarkable that a very close FO value (average value n =
0 . 8) has been obtained in
[ 11 ] when respiratory impedance has been evaluated at low frequencies in lambs.
This suggests once again experimentally what has been theoretically shown in
[ 70 , 76 , 118 ], i.e. that the recurrent ladder network converges to a lumped fractional-
order model, whose fractional order is independent of frequency [ 105 ].
Since in [ 154 , 155 ] it was illustrated that the respiratory impedance at high fre-
quency is subject to bias originating from the nose clip, we re-identified the recurrent
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