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sequence of symbols, acting as a stochastic state machine that generates a symbol each time a
transition is made from one state to the next. Transitions between states are specified by transition
probabilities. A Markov process is a process that moves from state to state depending on the
previous n states. The process is called an order n model where n is the number of states affecting
the choice of the next state. The Markov process considered here is a first order, in that the
probability of a state is dependent only on the directly preceding state.
In order to understand HMMs, consider the concept of a Markov Chain, which is a process that can be
in one of a number of states at any given time (see Figure 7-13 ). Each state generates an
observation, from which the state sequence can be inferred. A Markov Chain is defined by the
probabilities for each transition in state occurring, given the current state. That is, a Markov Chain is
a non-deterministic system in which it is assumed that the probability of moving from one state to
another doesn't vary with time. A HMM is a variation of a Markov Chain in which the states in the
chain are hidden.
Figure 7-13. Markov Chain. (A), (B), and (C) represent states, and the
arrows connecting the states represent transitions.
Like a neural network classifier, a HMM must be trained before it can be used. Training establishes
the transition probabilities for each state in the Markov Chain. When presented with data in the
database, the HMM provides a measure of how close the data patterns—sequence data, for
example—resemble the data used to train the model. HMM-based classifiers are considered
approximations because of the often unrealistic assumptions that a state is dependent only on
predecessors and that this dependence is time-independent.
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