Cryptography Reference
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The evolution of phase φ ( t ) can be represented by a trellis whose states are
defined by ( a i−L +1 ,a i−L +2 ,
,a i− 1 ; θ i−L ) ,thatis:
( M L− 1 p ) states
if m even
( M L− 1 2 p ) states
if m odd
Note that the complexity of the trellis increases very rapidly with the parameters
M and L . For example, for a modulation with quaternary symbols ( M =4)
with a partial response with modulation index h =1 / 2 and with parameter
L =4 , the trellis has 256 states. For MSK and GMSK, the symbols a i are
Figure 2.20 - Trellis associated with phase φ ( t ) for MSK modulation.
binary ( M =2) and the modulation index h is 1 / 2 ,thatis, m =1 and p =2 .
Phase θ i−L therefore takes its values in the set
0 ,π/ 2 ,π, 3 π/ 2
and the trellis
associated with phase φ ( t ) has 2 L− 1
4 states. Figure 2.20 shows the trellis
associated with phase φ ( t ) for MSK modulation.
To decode symbols a i we use the Viterbi algorithm whose principle is recalled
below. For each time interval [ iT, ( i +1) T [ , proceed in the following way:
for each branch l leaving a state of the trellis at instant iT calculate metric
z i
as defined later, that is, for MSK and GMSK, 2 L
4 metrics have to
be calculated;
for each path converging to instant ( i +1) T towards a state of the trel-
lis, calculate the cumulated metric, then select the path with the largest
cumulated metric, called the survivor path;
among the survivor paths, trace back along s branches of the path having
the largest cumulated metric and decode symbol a i−s ;
continue the algorithm on the following time interval.
Branch metric z i has the expression:
( i +1) T
z i =
r ( t )cos(2 πf 0 t + φ i ( t )+ ϕ 0 ) dt
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