Cryptography Reference
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the soft estimate x i is then strictly equal to the transmitted symbol x i (perfect
estimate). To summarize, the value of the soft estimate x i evolves as a function
of the reliability of the a priori information provided by the decoder. This
explains the name of "soft" (or probabilistic) estimate for x i .Byconstruction,
the estimated data x i are random variables. In particular, we can show (see
[11.33] for example) that they satisfy the following statistical properties:
=0 (11.28)
E x i x j = E x i x j = σ x δ i−j (11.29)
The parameter σ x here denotes the variance of estimated data x i . In practice,
this quantity can be estimated using the sample variance estimator on a frame
of N symbols as follows:
x i }
N− 1
i =0 |
σ x =
x i |
We easily verify that under the hypothesis of equiprobable a priori symbols,
σ x =0 . Conversely, we obtain σ x = σ x in the case of perfect a priori informa-
tion on the transmitted symbols. To summarize, the variance of the estimated
data offers a measure of the reliability of the estimated data. This parameter
plays a major role in the behaviour of the equalizer.
Calculating the linear equalizer coecients
As explained above, the equalization step can be seen as the cascad-
ing of an interference cancellation operation followed by a filtering operation.
The filter coecients are optimized so as to minimize the mean square error
between the equalized symbol z i at instant i and symbol x i− Δ
transmitted at instant i
z i
x i− Δ |
Δ . The introduction of a delay Δ enables the anti-
causality of the solution to be taken into account. Here we will use a matrix
formalism to derive the optimal form of the equalizer coecients. Indeed, dig-
ital filters always have a finite number of coe cients in practice. The matrix
formalism takes this aspect into account and thus enables us to establish the
optimal coecients under the constraint of a finite-length implementation.
Here we consider a filter with F coecients: f =( f 0 ,..., f F− 1 ) . The channel
impulse response and the noise variance are assumed to be known, which requires
prior estimation of these parameters in practice. Starting from the expression
(11.3) and grouping the F last samples observed at the output of the channel
up until instant i in the form of a vector column y i ,wecanwrite:
y i = Hx i + w i
with y i =( y i , ..., y i−F +1 ) T , x i =( x i , ..., x i−F−L +2 ) T
and w i =( w i ,...,
w i−F +1 ) T .Matrix H ,ofdimensions F
1) , is a Toeplitz matrix 5
( F + L
5 The coecients of the matrix are constant along each of the diagonals.
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