Cryptography Reference
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sions (binary symmetric channel), ML decoding relies on the Hamming distance,
whereas in the case of a Gaussian channel, it relies on the Euclidean distance
(see Chapter 2). An exhaustive search for codewords associated with the differ-
ent paths in the trellis leads to 2 ν + k paths being taken into account. In practice,
searching for the path with the minimum distance on a working window with a
width l lower than k , limits the search to 2 ν + l paths.
The Viterbi algorithm enables a notable reduction in the complexity of the
computation. It is based on the idea that, among the set of paths of the trellis
that converge in a node at a given instant, only the most probable path can be
retained for the following search steps. Let us denote s i =( s (1 i ,s (2 i ,...,s ( ν i )
the state of the encoder at instant i and T ( i, s i− 1 , s i ) the branch of the trellis
corresponding to the emission of data d i and associated with the transition
between nodes s i− 1 and s i . Applying the Viterbi algorithm involves performing
the set of operations described below.
At each instant i, for i ranging from 1 to k:
Calculate for each branch of a branch metric , d ( T ( i, s i− 1 , s i )) . For a binary
output channel, this metric is defined as the Hamming distance between
the symbol carried by the branch of the trellis and the received symbol,
d ( T ( i, s i− 1 , s i )) = d H ( T ( i, s i− 1 , s i )) .
For a Gaussian channel, the metric is equal to the square of the Euclidean
distance between the branch considered and the observation at the input
of the decoder (see also Section 1.3):
2 +
d ( T ( i, s i− 1 , s i ))
X i
x i
Y i
y i
x ( j )
y ( j )
j =1
j =1
X ( j )
Y ( j )
Calculate the accumulated metric associated with each branch T ( i, s i− 1 , s i )
defined by:
λ ( T ( i, s i− 1 , s i )) = μ ( i
1 , s i− 1 )+ d ( T ( i, s i− 1 , s i ))
where μ ( i
1 , s i− 1 ) is the accumulated metric associated with node s i− 1 .
For each no de s i , select the branch of the trellis corresponding to the
minimum accumulated metric and memorize this branch in memory (in
practice, it is the value of d i associated with the branch that is stored).
The path in the trellis made up of the branches successively memorized at
the instants between 0 and i is the survivor path arriving in s i .Ifthetwo
paths that converge in s i have identical accumulated metrics, the survivor
is then chosen arbitrarily between these two paths.
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