Cryptography Reference
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The value of error e j is then given by the Forney algorithm:
Γ( Z j )
Λ ( Z 1
e j = Z j
Introducing the polynomial S ( x ) defined by:
2 t
S j x j
S ( x )=
j =1
we can show that:
Γ( x ) modulo x 2 t +1
Λ( x ) S ( x )
This relation is called the key equation for decoding a cyclic code.
To determine polynomials Λ( x ) and Γ( x ) two iterative algorithms are mainly
used, the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm and Euclid's algorithm.
Berlekamp-Massey algorithm for codes with non-binary symbols
Computation of polynomials Λ( x ) and Γ( x ) using the Berlekamp-Massey al-
gorithm is performed iteratively. It requires two intermediate polynomials
denoted Θ( x ) and Ω( x ) . The algorithm has 2 t iterations. Once the algorithm
has terminated, the Chien algorithm must be implemented to determine the
roots Z j of Λ( x ) and consequently the position of the errors. Next, the Forney
algorithm expressed by (4.45) enables the value of the errors e j to be calculated.
Initial conditions :
L 0 =0
Λ (0) ( x )=1Θ (0) ( x )=1
Γ (0) ( x )=0Ω (0) ( x )=1
Recursion : 1
2 t
= j
Λ ( p− 1)
Δ p
S p−j
δ p
=1 if Δ p
=0 and 2 L p− 1
=0 otherwise
L p
δ p ( p
L p− 1 )+(1
δ p ) L p− 1
Λ ( p )
Ω ( p )
Λ ( p− 1)
Ω ( p− 1)
Γ ( p )
Γ ( p− 1)
p x
Θ ( p )
Δ p δ p
Θ ( p− 1)
δ p ) x
Termination :
Λ( x )=Λ (2 t ) ( x )
Γ( x )=Γ (2 t ) ( x )
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