Cryptography Reference
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We obtain:
d ( x ) c ( x )
1 1 x + x 3
x x + x 2 + x 4
x 2 1+ x + x 2 + x 5
x 3 1+ x 2 + x 6
and thus the generator matrix in a systematic form:
G =
We can verify that for
d = 1011 ,
the matrix product dG does give
c = 1001011 .
Implementation of an encoder
We have just seen that the encoder must carry out the division of x n−k d ( x )
by the generator polynomial g ( x ) then add the remainder v ( x ) of this division
to x n−k d ( x ) . This operation can be done using only shift registers and adders
in field F 2 . As the most dicult operation to carry out is the division of
x n−k d ( x ) by g ( x ) , let us first examine the schematic diagram of a divisor by
g ( x ) shown in Figure 4.2. The circuit divisor is realized from a shift register
with ( n
k ) memories denoted R i and the same number of adders. The shift
register is initialized to zero and the k coecients of the polynomial x n−k d ( x )
are introduced sequentially into the circuit divisor. After k clock pulses, we
can verify that the result of the division is available at the output of the cir-
cuit divisor, as well as the remainder v ( x ) which is in the shift register memories.
The schematic diagram of the encoder shown in Figure 4.3, uses the circuit
divisor of Figure 4.2. The multiplication of d ( x ) by x n−k , corresponding to a
simple shift, is realized by introducing polynomial d ( x ) at the output of the shift
register of the divisor.
The k data coming from the information source are introduced sequentially
into the encoder (switch I in position 1) that carries out the division of x n−k d ( x )
by g ( x ) . Simultaneously, the k data coming from the information source are also
transmitted. Once this operation is finished, the remainder v ( x ) of the division
is in the ( n
k ) shift register memories. Switch I then moves to position 2, and
the ( n
k ) redundancy symbols are sent to the output of the encoder.
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