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The fluidic-handling operations can be formally categorized as follows:
Category I: This is the set of all reversible operations. They can be simply
re-executed when an error occurs.
Category II: This is the set of nonreversible operations for which immediate
predecessors can provide backup droplets.
Category III: This corresponds to the set of nonreversible operations for which their
immediate predecessors cannot provide backup droplets.
In a given sequencing graph, each node represents an operation. We define the
number of input droplets as the in-number of an operation, and the number of output
droplets as the out-number of an operation. As described below, any operation opt k
can be categorized based on the values of its in-number and out-number:
• If in-number of opt k is equal to zero, then opt k is a dispensing operation. Thus
we have: opt k 2 Category I.
• If in-number of opt k is equal to one and the out-number of opt k is equal to two,
then opt k is a splitting operation. Thus we have: opt k 2 Category I.
Suppose opt j is an immediate predecessor of opt k . Then the number of backup
droplets at the output of opt j can be calculated as: B opt j D ON j MN j ,where
ON j is out-number of opt j ,and MN j is the number of immediate successors of
opt j . If the numbers of backup droplets for opt k 's immediate predecessors are all
non-zero, then we have: opt k 2 Category II; otherwise, opt k 2 Category III.
For an operation opt i , the set of its error-recovery operations,
R i , can be derived
according to the categorization result for opt i . For operations in Category I and II,
they can be simply re-executed when an error occurs, as their input droplets are
stored on chip. However, for operations in Category III, their inputs come from the
outputs of predecessor operations and we do not have backup for these droplets.
Thus if an error occurs in an operation of Category III, we not only need to re-
execute the operation itself but also need to backtrace to its predecessors. Assume
that the error operations is opt e and its immediate predecessors are operation
opt p 1 and opt p 2 . If these immediate predecessors are operations in Category I or
Category II, we can first re-execute opt p 1 , opt p 2 and then opt e for error-recovery,
R i Df opt p 1 ; opt p 2 ; opt e g . If the immediate predecessors opt p 1 and opt p 2
are neither in Category I nor Category II, we have to continue to enlarge
R i by
adding the immediate predecessors of opt p 1 and opt p 2 into
R i . This backtracing and
enlargement procedure needs to be repeated until we reach predecessor operations
that can provide backup droplets to feed the inputs of operations in the set of error
The above procedure of backtracing and enlargement of the set
R i can be
described as follows. First, we define the mapping pred . opt i / to be a mapping from
opt i to the set of immediate predecessors of opt i in the sequencing graph.
For a set of operations
Df opt o 1 ; opt o 2 ;:::; opt o k g , we define the operator
P r as:
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