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Fig. 6.5 ( a )The union of
graphs G .1;2/ and G .1;3/ ;( b )
the union of graphs G .1;2/ and
G .3;3/ . The graphs G .1;2/ ,
G .1;3/ ,andG .3;3/ are shown in
Fig. 6.4 c, 6.4 d, and Fig. 6.4 f,
Link (E (1,3) ,E (2,3) )
Link (E (1,2) ,E (2,3) )
Link (E (1,1) ,E (1,2) )
Link (E (1,2) ,E (1,3) )
Link (E (1,1) ,E (1,3) )
Link (E (1,1) ,E (2,2) )
Link (E (1,2) ,E (2,2) )
Link (E (1,3) ,E (2,2) )
Link (E (3,2) ,E (3,3) )
Link (E (1,1) ,E (1,2) )
Link (E (1,1) ,E (1,3) )
Link (E (1,2) ,E (1,3) )
Link (E (2,3) ,E (3,2) )
Link (E (1,2) ,E (2,2) )
Link (E (1,3) ,E (2,2) )
Link (E (1,1) ,E (2,2) )
Link (E (2,3) ,E (3,3) )
Figure 6.5 bisthe union of graphs G .1;2/ and G .3;3/ . Graphs G .1;2/ and G .3;3/ can
be found in Fig. 6.4 c and f, respectively. Note in graph G .1;2/ the edge between
nodes A and C is labeled as Link .E .1;1/ ;E .1;3/ / , and in graph G .3;3/ the edge between
nodes A and C is labeled as Link .E .3;2/ ;E .3;3/ / . Therefore the merged graph G .1;2/ [
G .3;3/ has two edges between nodes A and C, i.e., G .1;2/ [ G .3;3/ is a multigraph.
From the structure of G layout and the acceptability of the pin-assignment
(Sect. 6.1 ), the following lemma can be derived. Note that depending on the
mapping of control pins to electrodes, G layout may be a multigraph (either with a
self-loop or more than one edge between some pairs of nodes) or a simple graph
(no self-loop and no more than one edge between any two distinct nodes) [ 12 ].
Lemma 6.2. A pin-assignment configuration satisfies Constraint 1 and Con-
straint 2 in Sect. 6.1 if and only if the graph G layout is a simple graph.
Proof. First we assume that Constraint 1 in Lemma 6.1 is violated. Thus, an
electrode group E group .x/ exists in which two elements share the same control pin.
According to the definition of edges for graph G E x , there will be cyclic edges
and multiple edges between two nodes. Thus G E x is a multigraph. Since G E x is
a subgraph of G layout , G layout is also a multigraph.
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