Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
A Create Business Components from Tables wizard will open up for you; select the
Enity Objects opion.
An entity object is a representation of a single row of the table.
It is the metadata mapping of a single object in the data source
table. We represent the EMP table as an entity object in ADF for
the easy mapping of columns and business logic.
4. Enter the package for your enity object as com.empdirectory.model.entity
and select HRSchema for your data source. You have an opion to restrict the ilter
by table, view, synonym, and others.
5. In the Name filter, enter EMP% so that the filter is applied to query the data source.
Click on Query to search for the filter in the database. Select the Auto Query opion
to query when you type the filter.
6. Shutle the EMP table to the selected list to create the enity object. Enter the name
of the enity object as EmpEO . The enity object will represent the row in the EMP
table. We will create the enity object to work with the database objects.
7. Click Next > to create a view object based on the enity object.
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