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Skin selectors
A cascading stylesheet includes ideniiers and properies to describe the appearance of
the components inside the applicaions. Following are the types of selectors used in ADF
for styling the components:
Global selectors : These are selectors that affect more than one component. If the
property ends with :alias , the selector will affect more than one component.
For example, having a property like the following will affect all the components,
which includes the selector as well:
.AFDefaultFontFamily:alias {
font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
Component selectors : This selector is applied to a single ADF Faces component.
For example, if you want to change the background color of an af:inputText
component, you will be wriing the style selector as:
af|inputText::content {
background-color: red;
Standard selectors : This selector is a generic selector defined to represent the
component directly. The styles and properies of the component used in the CSS are:
af|inputText {
font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
Pseudo classes in the ADF skinning framework
Pseudo elements are supporing elements represening the component state that are styled
in CSS. For example, the command link has two states that are :hover and :active . They
are applied to almost every ADF Faces component. Even the :alias state that was explained
in the previous secion is deined as a pseudo class. Some common pseudo classes used by
ADF are:
Drag and drop : :drag-source , :drop-target
Standard : :hover , :active , and :focus
Right to left: : :rtl
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