Databases Reference
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Default Acivity : This is the default acivity which will set any one of the aciviies
available in the task flow as the default one.
Excepion Handler : Any page view acivity can be made an excepion handler by
right-clicking on the acivity and selecing Mark Acivity Excepion Handler . This
property can be set for any acivity in the task low using the property inspector.
This seing for the acivity is to handle excepions. This is the only property
available for the unbounded task low in the general secion.
Iniializer : This will specify the Java method that is called when the task flow
is iniialized.
Finalizer : This will specify the Java method that is called when the clean up takes
place for the task flow.
Save Point Restore Finalizer : This speciies the Java method that iniializes the
task flow state when it is restored from the save point.
Use Page Fragments : This will allow the use of page fragments in the task flow.
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