Databases Reference
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Popup components
To display informaion or a warning to the user, we use the popup component.
The popup component is used to display a menu or a message to the user which is hidden
and is displayed on a specific event. For example, to display a message in a popup using the
Context menu.
The dialog component is enclosed within a popup component to show a message or a
warning to the user. This will be an invisible layer in the page that is acivated on an event.
The dialog component more or less looks like a window with butons and icons as shown
in the following screenshot:
Time for action - showing a popup to the user
Now we will see how to create a popup from scratch in ADF:
1. Go to the index.jspx page and then select the Command buton that holds the
commit operaion from the Structure window.
2. Right-click on the Command buton and select the Insert inside the
af:commandButon -Commit opion and the select the Adf Faces opion.
3. Click on the Show Popup Behavior opion in the Insert ADF Faces Item window:
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