Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
<f:facet name="copyright"/>
<f:facet name="status"/>
The facets included are:
start : Content added will be displayed to the left-hand side of the page.
This secion is mostly used to display navigaion links. The size of this column
can be adjusted using startColumnSize in the af:pageTemplate tag.
center : Most of the web content goes in this secion.
end : The Help secion and other useful links are usually displayed here.
The size can be adjusted using endColumnSize .
header : This secion will display the itle of the page in the top header.
branding : This facet is used for backward compaibility.
copyright : The facet is used to display the copyright informaion in the
botom-right corner.
status : This secion is used to indicate the status of the page upon requests.
This is displayed in the top-right corner next to the af:statusIndicator
Oracle dynamic tabs shell
This template supports displaying muliple pages in a tab that is dynamically generated
at runime when the user clicks on the link from the Navigaion secion. Some addiional
facets included are about , navigation , globallinks , globalToolbar , globalSearch ,
globalTabs , welcome , and innerToolbar . Following is the code in Oracle dynamics tab
shell template:
<af:pageTemplate value="#{bindings.ptb1}" id="pt1" viewId="/oracle/ui/
<f:facet name="copyright"/>
<f:facet name="about"/>
<f:facet name="navigation"/>
<f:facet name="globalLinks"/>
<f:facet name="status"/>
<f:facet name="globalToolbar"/>
<f:facet name="globalSearch"/>
<f:facet name="globalTabs"/>
<f:facet name="welcome"/>
<f:facet name="innerToolbar"/>
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