Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
You can now see the getHelloWorld() method exposed to the view layer in the Data
Controls palete as shown in the following screenshot:
Pop quiz
Q1. ______________ and ______________ are the validators available only for
enity-level validaions.
Q2. We can use the following validator to extend the validaion using a Java class:
1. List
2. UniqueKey
3. Method
4. Compare
Q3. Which of the following is used in a Groovy expression to raise excepions?
1. adf.context
2. adf.error.raise
3. adf.object
4. adf.error.warn
5. adf.error
Q4. The enity collecion class is used to store metadata informaion of an enity object.
1. True
2. False
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