Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Texture mapping
Texture mapping in compositing is yet another time-saving technique that facilitates
in wrapping a texture to a mesh. The UV pass, as a 32-bit float image, is required to
perform this wrapping.
The Map UV node
The Map UV node in Blender should be used to perform texture mapping at the com-
positing stage.
As illustrated in the following screenshot, a Texture and UV Pass have to be con-
nected to the respective sockets of the Map UV node to attain the wrapping. As seen
in the following example, the sphere and plane rendered without any textures are
wrapped with a texture using a map UV node.
This technique allows the user to be able to modify specific object textures in com-
positing without needing a 3D rerendering. This can save a huge amount of time in
the CG film production process, where creative changes are bound to happen at any
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