Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
tions that you've indicated should be omitted from this pass as indicated with
the camera button.
Z ( Z depth ): This map shows how far away each pixel is from the camera. It
is used for depth of field ( DOF ). The depth map is inverse linear (1/distance)
from the camera position.
Vector : This indicates the direction and speed of things that are moving. It is
used with Vector Blur.
Normal : This calculates lighting and apparent geometry for a bump map (an
image that is used to fake details of an object) or to change the apparent dir-
ection of the light falling on an object.
UV : This allows us to add textures during compositing.
Mist : This is used to deliver the Mist factor pass.
Object Index (IndexOB): This is used to make masks of selected objects us-
ing the Matte ID Node.
Material Index (IndexMA): This is used to make masks of selected material
using the Matte ID Node.
Color : This displays the flat color of materials without shading information.
Diffuse : This displays the color of materials with shading information.
Specular : This displays specular highlights.
Shadow : This displays the shadows that can be cast. Make sure shadows
are cast by your lights (positive or negative) and received by materials. To
use this pass, mix or multiply it with the Diffuse pass.
Emit : This displays the options for emission pass.
AO : This displays ambient occlusion.
Environment : This displays the environment lighting contribution.
Indirect : This displays the indirect lighting contribution.
Reflection : This displays the reflection contributions based on shader attrib-
utes that are, participating in the current render.
Refraction : This displays the refraction contributions based on shader attrib-
utes that are participating in the current render.
The following screenshot shows some outputs of Blender's default render passes:
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