Java Reference
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Revise the definition of the method add to always accommodate a new entry. The method
will never return false.
Revise the definition of the method isFull to always return false. A bag will never become full.
Revising the method add is the only substantial task in this list. The rest of the class will remain
The method add . Here is the original definition of the method add , as it appears in Segment 2.10:
/** Adds a new entry to this bag.
@param newEntry the object to be added as a new entry
@return true if the addition is successful, or false if not */
public boolean add(T newEntry)
boolean result = true ;
if (isFull())
result = false ;
{ // assertion: result is true here
bag[numberOfEntries] = newEntry;
} // end if
return result;
} // end add
Since the bag will never be full, the method isFull will always return false. Thus, we can no lon-
ger call isFull to see whether the array bag is full. Instead, we can define a private method to both
make this check and resize the array bag , if necessary. Let's name the method ensureCapacity and
specify it as follows:
// Doubles the size of the array bag if it is full.
private void ensureCapacity()
Assuming that we have defined this private method, we can revise the method add as follows:
public boolean add(T newEntry)
bag[numberOfEntries] = newEntry;
return true ;
} // end add
The private method ensureCapacity . The array bag is full when numberOfEntries equals the
array's length, bag.length . When that is the case, we will resize bag using the technique described
earlier in Segment 2.34. Thus, the definition of ensureCapacity is straightforward:
// Doubles the size of the array bag if it is full.
private void ensureCapacity()
if (numberOfEntries == bag.length)
bag = Arrays.copyOf(bag, 2 * bag.length);
} // end ensureCapacity
The class ResizableArrayBag . Our new class is available online from the topic's website. You
should examine its details.
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