Java Reference
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The class NickName given in Segment C.3 of Appendix C has a data field that is an instance of the class Name
and two methods, setNickName and getNickName . Implement a method clone for NickName , assuming that Name
implements the interface Cloneable .
Consider a class that implements ListInterface but does not make clones of objects added to the list. Suggest
two ways that we can make a list of clones.
Consider a class that implements ListInterface and makes clones of objects added to the list. Suggest two ways
that we can make a list of the original objects.
Consider the following class definition:
public class FamilyMember implements Cloneable
private Name myName;
private FamilyMember mySpouse;
public FamilyMember(Name aName)
myName = aName;
} // end constructor
public Name getName()
return myName;
} // end getName
public FamilyMember getSpouse()
return mySpouse;
} // end getSpouse
public void setSpouse(FamilyMember spouse)
mySpouse = spouse;
} // end setSpouse
public Object clone()
FamilyMember theCopy = null ;
theCopy = (FamilyMember) super .clone();
catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
System.err.println("FamilyMember cannot clone:" + e.toString());
return theCopy;
} // end clone
} // end FamilyMember
Draw a diagram showing the state of the objects after the following code executes.
FamilyMember jack = new FamilyMember( new Name("Jack", "Buck"));
FamilyMember jane = new FamilyMember( new Name("Jane", "Doe"));
FamilyMember copy = (FamilyMember)jane.clone();
Replace the method copy , as discussed in Segment 24.6 of Chapter 24, with a method clone . That is, make
BinaryNode implement the interface Cloneable . Cloning a node should also clone the node's data object.
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