Java Reference
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Segment 16.1 of Chapter 16 noted that objects in a sorted list must be Comparable —that is, they must
have a compareTo method. In this case, we also want the objects to be Cloneable . Segment 30.20
defined an interface Copyable that declares a public method clone . Using that interface, let's create
another one:
public interface ComparableAndCopyable<T> extends Comparable<T>, Copyable
} // end ComparableAndCopyable
This interface will enable us to bound the generic type of the objects we place into the sorted list, as
the next segment will show.
A class that implements ComparableAndCopyable must define the methods compareTo and
clone . For example, the class Name mentioned in Segment 30.15 could begin as follows:
public class Name implements ComparableAndCopyable<Name>
Name 's method clone is given in Segment 30.15, and you wrote compareTo when you answered
Question 8 in Appendix D.
Since we want the sorted list to contain only objects that are both Comparable and Copyable , we can
begin the definition of a class SortedList as follows:
public class SortedList<T extends ComparableAndCopyable<? super T>>
We introduced this notation in Segments 8.1 and 8.2 of Chapter 8. The class that T represents must
implement the interface ComparableAndCopyable . The notation ? super T , which means any superclass
of T , affects the interface Comparable —as you can see by looking at ComparableAndCopyable —and
hence the method compareTo .
We can revise our interface for a sorted list by beginning it as follows:
public interface SortedListInterface
<T extends ComparableAndCopyable<? super T>>
and then use it in the definition of SortedList :
public class SortedList<T extends ComparableAndCopyable<? super T>>
implements SortedListInterface<T>
With these logistics out of the way, we propose the following changes to the implementation of the
ADT sorted list. You can apply these changes to the implementations discussed in Chapters 16
and 17:
In add , place a clone of the desired entry into the sorted list instead of the entry itself. That is,
place newEntry.clone() into the list instead of newEntry . Thus, the body of the method
could begin with
Node newNode = new Node((T)newEntry.clone());
Since clone returns an Object , the cast to the generic type T is necessary.
In getEntry , return a clone of the desired entry instead of the entry itself. For example, you
could return (T)result.clone() instead of result .
Let's examine these changes more closely. Suppose that a client has a reference, newEntry , to
an object, and it adds the object to a collection. The collection clones the object and adds the clone
instead of the original object, as Figure 30-11 illustrates. The client has no reference to the collec-
tion's data. If the client modifies the object that newEntry references, the collection is not changed.
What if getEntry did not return a clone of the desired entry but instead returned a reference to
the desired entry in the collection? As Figure 30-12 illustrates, the client would be able to change
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