Java Reference
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theCopy = (AList<T>) super .clone();
catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
throw new Error(e.toString());
theCopy.list = (T[])list.clone();
for ( int index = 0; index < numberOfEntries; index++)
theCopy.list[index] = (T)list[index].clone();
return theCopy;
} // end clone
Note: To make a deep clone of an array a of cloneable objects, you invoke a.clone() and
then clone each object in the array. For example, if myArray is an array of Thing objects, and
Thing implements Cloneable , you would write
Thing[] clonedArray = (Thing[])myArray.clone();
for ( int index = 0; index < myArray.length; index++)
clonedArray[index] = (Thing)myArray[index].clone();
Cloning a Chain
Now suppose that we want to add a clone method to a linked implementation of the ADT list, such as
the class LList of Chapter 14 or the class LinkedChainBase of Chapter 17. (The clone methods for
these classes are virtually identical.) Given the interface Copyable , we can begin the class in one of
the ways given in Segment 30.20. Ultimately, the class and the objects in the list must implement the
interface Cloneable . Thus, LList , for example, could begin as follows:
public class LList<T extends Copyable> implements CloneableListInterface<T>
private Node firstNode; // reference to first node
private int numberOfEntries;
. . .
The first part of the clone method would be like the code that you saw in Segment 30.22,
except that we would replace AList with LList . If we invoked only super.clone() , our method
would produce a shallow copy of the list, as Figure 30-9 illustrates. In other words, both the origi-
nal list and its clone would reference the same chain of nodes, and these nodes would reference one
set of data.
As before, clone needs to do more to perform a deep copy. It needs to clone the chain of nodes
as well as the data that the nodes reference. Figure 30-10 shows a list with its deep clone.
Cloning a node. To clone the nodes in the chain, we need to add a method clone to the inner class
Node . First, we add implements Cloneable to the declaration of the class Node . Note that Node is
private in LList but protected in LinkedChainBase . Node 's clone method begins like other clone
methods, but then it goes on to clone the data portion of the node. We do not bother cloning the
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