Java Reference
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Example: Creating a deep clone of a single field. Sometimes a shallow clone is unsuitable. If a
class has mutable objects as data fields, you must clone the objects and not simply copy their refer-
ences. For example, let's add a method clone to the class Student that we encountered in Segment C.2
of Appendix C. The class has the following form after we add the required implements clause:
public class Student implements Cloneable
private Name fullName;
private String id;
< Constructors and the methods setStudent , setName , setId , getName , getId , and
toString >
. . .
} // end Student
Since the class Name has set methods, the data field fullName is a mutable object. Therefore, we
should be sure to clone fullName within the definition of Student 's clone method. We can do that
because we added a clone method to Name in Segment 30.15. Since String is read only, id is immutable,
and so cloning it is unnecessary. Thus, we can define a clone method for the class Student as follows:
public Object clone()
Student theCopy = null ;
theCopy = (Student) super .clone(); // Object can throw an exception
catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
throw new Error(e.toString());
theCopy.fullName = (Name)fullName.clone();
return theCopy;
} // end clone
After invoking super.clone() , we clone the mutable data field fullName by calling Name 's public
clone method. This latter invocation need not be within a try block. Only Object 's clone method
contains a throws clause.
Figure 30-7 illustrates an instance of Student and the clone that this method returns. As you
can see, the Name object that represents the student's full name is copied, but the strings that repre-
sent the first and last names, as well as the ID number, are not.
An instance of Student and its clone, including a deep copy of fullName
first last
The clone s.clone()
An instance s of Student
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